Early Elections of the Mayor of Gietrzwałd July 23rd 2017

Polling district Number 5 in the first round

Szkoła Podstawowa w Biesalu, Biesal 59, 11-036 Gietrzwałd
Accessible to disabled persons
Polling district boundaries
Sołectwo Biesal, miejscowości: Biesal, Podlejki, Sołectwo Dłużki, Sołectwo Guzowy Piec, miejscowości: Guzowy Młyn, Guzowy Piec, Sołectwo Jadaminy, miejscowości: Jadaminy, Salminek, Sołectwo Łęguty, miejscowości: Grazymy, Łęgucki Młyn, Łęguty, Łopkajny, Zaskwierki, Sołectwo Parwółki, miejscowości: Barduń, Parwółki, Sołectwo Rapaty, miejscowości: Rapaty, Zdrojek, Sołectwo Śródka, miejscowości: Smoleń, Śródka
Polling district in the second round
Polling district in the second round

Pre-election statistics

Number of people entitled to vote
1 163
Number of residents
1 428
Number of correspondence voting packs issued

Members of the commission

Surname and namesOffice
Grzegorzewska Grażyna Chair
Kłoda Lilianna Vicechair
Budziszewska-Stefanowicz Irena Member
Dzikowski Tomasz Member
Greifenberg Andrzej EdwardMember
Jonczak Elżbieta Member
Skerda Krzysztof Member


Settlement of ballot papers

1.Number of voters entitled to vote (included in the roll of voters with additional forms)1163
1a.including those in part A of the roll of voters (Polish citizens)1163
1b.including those in part B of the roll of voters (citizens of the European Union who are not citizens of Poland)0
2.Commission received ballot papers1102
3.Unused ballot papers712
4.Number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered390
4a.including those in part A of the roll of voters (Polish citizens)390
4b.including those in part B of the roll of voters (citizens of the European Union who are not citizens of Poland)0

Proxy and postal voting

5.Number of voters voting by proxy (number of ballot papers issued on the basis of received acts power of attorney)1
6.Number of voters to whom election packages were sent0
7.Number of return envelopes received0
7a.Number of return envelopes without the statement on personal and secret vote0
7b.Number of return envelopes in which the statement was not signed by the voter0
7c.Number of return envelopes without the envelope for the ballot paper0
7d.Number of return envelopes in which envelope for ballot paper was not sealed0
7e.Number of envelopes for ballot papers put into ballot box0

Determining the results of the vote

8.Number of ballot papers taken out of the ballot box390
8a.including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes0
9.Number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officially provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission's seal)0
10.Number of valid ballot papers390
11.Number of invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers)8
11a.including those with mark „X” put next to two or more candidates0
11b.including those without any mark „X”0
12.Number of votes validly cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers)382